I don’t do much with my yard – except tear it up with my car in the winter. But Matthew has been working hard over the last couple of years to get rid of some large dirt patches. He’s succeeding with the ones closer to our home – although the closer you get to the swing set, obviously the bigger they get.

But here are a few links fro lawn care tips for the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

Late Winter Lawn Care by Drew Johnson

There isn’t much you can do to prevent ice or snow from covering your lawn, but once winter ends, you should be especially careful not to walk on your lawn until it has time to dry. Your lawn may have been compacted the winter, either by snow or by heavy foot traffic, in which case you should consider aeration.

Lightening the Load, Lowering Garden Maintenance by  Cathy Wilkinson Barash

The single, most timesaving device for any gardener is using mulch around the plants. Mulches perform a number of functions.

How to Help Your Lawn Recover From Winter from HomeTips.com and Courtesy of Toro Wheel Horse Tractors(R) & Riding Mowers

Don’t throw your clippings in the trash—they’re valuable fertilizer. Use a mulching mower to return the clippings back into the turf as you mow.

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