Everyone have a nice Thanksgiving? My jeans told me that I had a very nice holiday! Ugh!

And now for the next holiday…

This article on How to Save to Buy a Home at Realty Times sounds like something I would have written.

Thanks Phoebe!

I was thinking of families that are currently saving to purchase a home right now. If those families saved all the cash they would spend eating out, buying nick-knacks, extra gifts that no one needs, how much could you actually save? What if that cash was applied to the down payment of your home?

I know we can’t take away everything from our kids – the joy of the Christmas season comes with some unexpected price tags. But it can be limited. With having to purchase a van right before Thanksgiving, my kids understand that there may be other things they don’t get this year because of something we needed to purchase for the family.

Maybe we could re-gift some gifts we have given that we have not used that much this past year! I’m sure there’s a game we bought last year that we have not played with since last December!

And for families in the middle of purchasing their home…. don’t ruin your credit during this Christmas Season! It’s easy to just put it on the card, but this could cause problems when it’s time to close on your new home!

Remember, this is a time of being together. Being thankful. Give your heart. Not your wallet.


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