Good morning Ladies and Gents! We’re back from our vacation from Nags Head, NC. It was very nice! I had not been there in almost 10 years! And I’m thankful that the trip did not seem as long this time – especially since I thought we were going to Sandbridge outside of Virginia Beach.

Anyway, being a real estate agent and visiting such a unique area with such a variety of beach houses made me feel excited! I rode down the beach playing the “no, yes” game from my youth – for “which home would you buy if you could?” And then we visited the Life is Good shop and not I want to redecorate my house with the words of Life is Good – relax, live, have fun, love! Maybe someone here will open a franchise for me! I’m sure it would do well in Ladysmith Village!

One final thought about my vacation (for now) was the difference in landscaping. Some had only the beach grass. But some yards looked like golf courses which seemed a bit out of place to me. But maybe it was because we played Frisbee on the beach instead of on the lawn. But the yards reminded me of an email I received….

I receive the cute newsletter every week from .  I love the layout and the great tips, and this week I asked if I could share their recipe for natural lawn fertilizer! They said yes! So here you go!

apron closeup

Home Made Lawn Fertilizer

One can of soda (any kind except diet soda will work)
One can of beer (any kind except light beer)
1/2 cup of household ammonia
1/2 cup of liquid dishwashing soap
(do not use antibacterial soap because it will kill important microbes)
1/2 cup of mouthwash

Mix together all ingredients and pour into a 10-gallon hose-end sprayer, and apply it to the lawn while you water.
The soda and beer act as food for the lawn. The ammonia promotes growth and helps make the grass green. The liquid dishwashing soap is a wetting agent and helps the water reach the roots, and the mouthwash actually kills bugs and grubs in the lawn.

Be very careful to use the exact amount listed for each ingredient. The ammonia could kill the grass if too much is used. This fertilizer should only be used once every three to four weeks in high heat, and even less frequently when the temperatures are not hot. It is also important to only use dishwashing soap, dishwashing detergent could be harmful. If you have pets at home, they should also be kept off the lawn for 24 to 36 hours after treatment.

There you have it. I thought a recipe for the actual yard would be a neat twist this time around!

And don’t forget about my recipe E-Book,Molly Makes $5 Dinners and $3 Desserts!

Thanks !

Technorati Tags: lawn care,recipe,maintenance
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