This week we had a dead tree fall on our property. It fell in between our house and our cars. It did a small bit of damage to our home and more damage to my mommy van. Here are the lessons I learned.

We are very blessed. The damage could have been a lot worse! The tree could have fallen where my kids were sleeping, but it didn’t.

We were able to bless another family that we knew with some side work. This helped them with a little extra cash and saved us some cash at the same time! It’s so nice to be able to help each other with our talents.

Make sure you know what your insurance policies cover. Check your deductibles. Consider how much you would need in an emergency. How much will the insurance you have cost you when the emergency is over?

Dead trees are still heavy! Don’t let your husband hurt himself while moving parts of a dead tree.

The kids know when you don’t have the energy to debate. They know that if they hold your winter gloves for ransom until you allow them to put up the Christmas tree (especially if you’re dealing with a tree falling on your home and car) that they can get the Christmas tree up before Thanksgiving.

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