If you love your home library like I do, you’ll love this deal from Dover Publications:

This Labor Day weekend, you won’t have to work hard to find outstanding savings: there are two easy ways to save at Dover! First, for the next five days, you can take $15 off an order of $40 or more. Just use Coupon Code LD99 during checkout. Plus, the Bargain Bin is back in business, so you can also save 60% on over 250 overstocked books. http://www.doverpublications.com/ld99

Don’t hesitate: your $15 savings coupon expires September 8, 2009. And please don’t forget to use Coupon Code LD99 during checkout.

New school year requires new classics. What spend $8, when you can get it for $2 -$5? Maybe you like art books, architecture, times past, biographies… This place may not have the current popular books, but they have most of the time tested resources!

And if you have books that you don’t need anymore, you can donate them to your local Caroline County Library branch!

Technorati Tags: literature,library
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