Virginia CE Courses

Virginia Continuing, Post-Licensing and Broker Education

Broker Agency: Managing Relationships

Duration:  3 Hours | VREB: 3 CE – 3 PL – 3 Broker Management

Agency is the foundation of the Real Estate industry. The issue of Procuring cause, levels of relationship and disclosure is complicated for most and the gets lost in importance by most brokers. This course is designed to reinforce those concepts that protect the consumer interest and reduce the risk of the Broker. This program reviews relevant and new regulations on how the broker tracks disclosure issues and oversees Agency relationships.

16 Hour Agent CE Bootcamp


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8-Hour Complete Broker Management Program

Duration:  8 Hours – Broker Management Specific Hours

8-11 Legal Update
11-12 Lunch
12-3 Managing Agency Relationships
3-5 Leading in a 2.0 World (Technology Risk Reduction)

Broker Management: Legal Update

There are a number of risk management issues that simply don’t get enough attention in our training programs. This class gives a overview of the pitfalls for Escrow management, agency issues with special attention to dual agency concerns and RESPA violations with a strong emphasis on Affiliated Arrangements and Disclosures.

Broker Agency: Managing Relationships

Agency is the foundation of the Real Estate industry. The issue of Procuring cause, levels of relationship and disclosure is complicated for most and the gets lost in importance by most brokers. This course is designed to reinforce those concepts that protect the consumer inter- est and reduce the risk of the Broker. This program reviews relevant and new regulations on how the broker tracks disclosure issues and oversees Agency relationships.

Leading in a 2.0 World

Brokers have a unique opportunity to engage the consumer on a level that has not been possible before, but this online engagement with it’s broad audience, presents unique exposer to liability as well. This course takes Brokers and agents through an overview of today’s tools and how to safely use them to engage and gain a personal connection with potential consumers. We’ll review policies and practices that will help Managers reduce their risk while remaining innovative.

Fair Housing

Duration: 3 Hours | VREB: 3 CE – 3 PL

Fair Housing is the duty of every real estate agent. The National and State regulations are adhered to closely and consumers are very sensitive to being treated fairly. On a routine ba- sis agents stumble into potential violations of fair housing laws and this course it to help pro- vide the agent with better practices to avoid these violations. The program will help the agents develop a sensitivity to the client and demographic changes that are effecting the business.

Real Estate Ethics

Duration: 3 Hours | VREB: 3 CE – 3 PL

The REALTOR® Code of Ethics has been the foundation of the REALTOR® membership. It dictates the actions of practitioners who have sworn to uphold it’s principals. This presenta- tion takes a look at several facets of Ethical Behavior as defined by the Code. This presen- tation utilizes video and psychological principals to help determine the public perception of ethical behavior and how it relates to the real estate career. Portions of the course decipher the difference of the Code as an industry standard, moral standard and regulatory standard. Learners will benefit by looking at the regulations from a point of omissions versus nefarious intent. All 17 Articles are explored with emphasis on often overlooked Standards of Practice and review of NAR case studies to underline the Articles.

Agency: The Power of A Relationship

Duration: 3 Hours | VREB: 3 CE – 3 PL

Agency is the backbone of the real estate industry. These relationships set the tone and out- line of how consumers will be work with their agent and what the agent’s responsibilities are. This course is constructed to reinforce the Virginia regulations pertaining to Agency and prac- tical application of Procuring Cause. We’ll also explore agency disclosure options and tools to ensure compliance with regulations. Case Studies and student engagement makes this class interactive.

Contracts: Writing With The End In Mind

Duration: 3 Hours | VREB: 3 CE – 3 PL

This isn’t your typical contracts course. This course takes the learner through the process of creating and negotiating contracts on behalf of their client’s best interest and thinking about the contract as a blueprint for a successful settlement. This course will discuss contract format, Virginia regulations and writing techniques.

Well and Septic - A Primar

For many homeowners in Virginia a well and sep*c system is a necessity for the occupancy of the home. There are a myriad of different sep*c and well considera*ons for buyers and sellers in a real estate transac*on. This session covers the basic informa*on an agent needs to know, as well as the contractual implica*ons that must be considered when nego*a*ng on behalf of the client to ensure the client’s best interest are protected.

Contracts | PLE and CE

This isn’t your typical contracts course. This course takes the learner through the process of creating and negotiating contracts on behalf of their client’s best interest and thinking about the contract as a blueprint for a successful settlement. This course will discuss contract for- mat, Virginia regulations and writing techniques.

Advertising Regulations

Communicating with consumers is a fundamental function of real estate agents and firms. With the emergence of new ways to market to, communicate with and advertise services and listings the agent can face a number of regulatory pitfalls. This session is designed to review the regulations that currently exist and apply them to both analog and digital marketing to ensure that the consumer has a true picture of the services being offered by agents and firms.

Teams and Brokers

As the real estate industry has become more complex and demanded a broader range of skills from real estate agents, many have begun growing real estate teams to best serve their clients. Those teams help the firm grow and solve a lot of risk management issues, but teams also create some new complexities for the Broker. This program assists brokers with understanding the place of a real estate team in the firm, the Virginia regulations that govern the formation and running of those teams as well as best practices to reduce liability in the firm.

Risk Management

Real estate agents wear several hats, among them is their duty to themselves and their clients to reduce risk in their prac<ces. This session is a deep examina<on of current regula<ons, disclosure issues, environmental issues and more that agents need to adhere to, the en<<es that over see them and ways fo the agent to ensure their compliance. This session will include best prac<ces, personal policies and resources to ensure regulatory compliance in their prac<ces.

Brokers and Advertising Regulations

Marketing and advertising is one of the most critical parts of any firm or agent’s business, but doing so can also create a liability for brokers and agents. With a myriad of marketing resources available, brokers sometimes find it difficult to oversee all of their agent’s communications, and agents find it difficult to remember all of the regula.ons and risk issues. This session focuses on re-introducing the leaner to all of the regula.ons and then providing tools and resources for learns to avoid liability.

Real Estate Finance Basics

Real estate finance is one of the most critical and often complex elements of a real estate transaction. Far too often the consumer is left lost in the process and perhaps not getting the best mortgage for their needs. This program is designed to increase the agents understanding of their role in assisting the consumer with understanding their options and connecting the client with the best mortgage provider for them. This program will also review the role and authority of the various governmental agencies that oversee the parties in the finance aspects of the transaction.


A core function of protecting a client’s interest is the agent’s ability to properly and effectively negotiate for what is in the client’s best interest. Many agents are not properly trained in the professional techniques necessary to navigate through the transaction. This course is an overview of basic techniques agents need to understand in the service of their clients.

Broker Supervision

Virginia sets a number of obliga9ons and du9es upon the shoulders of the managing broker. This course is designed to take each regulatory requirement individually and provide brokers with meaningful and ac9onable best prac9ces to protect the consumer, manager their agents and oversee their firm in today’s liable world. A tool box of resources for compliance will be provided to the learners who aGend. This session will include round-table discussion and learner contribu9ons to ascertaining the best adherence to the broker’s regulatory du9es.


One of the fundamental elements of an agent’s relationship with the client is trust. Holding a consumer’s earnest money deposit and handling their escrow is a core duty that agents and brokers posses and must be done in a specific way to reduce liability. This session is a deep dive into the regulatory and regional contractual obligations for buyers, sellers, and real estate agents. Learners will have a deeper understanding of the laws and contract, but also the best way in which to negotiate for the best outcome of the agent’s clients.

Data Fraud

Real Estate agents are responsible for a tremendous amount of information from their clients. From Escrow checks with bank routing numbers to information added to a CRM for marketing, there is a lot of information about customers and clients. More and more often agents and brokers are falling victim to data breaches and stolen information which puts both agents and clients at risk. This course is an overview of the risks associated with data breaches and what agents need to do to keep themselves and their clients safe.

Broker Risk Management in Technology

Over the past decade the real estate industry has seen a pervasive impact in their prac>ces by an overwhelming adop>on of technology by consumers and real estate firms alike. This adoption has created a new world of opportuni>es, but with that new opportunities and increase of risk has also emerged. From social media use, predictive models, big data, cryptocurrency, and more agents and consumers are finding themselves in uncharted territory with no prac>ces or policies in place to protect both consumers and agents. This session explores the emergency and current technologies, their impact on the business and best prac>ces to protect all involved.

Current Industry Trends

Over the past decade the real estate industry has seen a pervasive impact in their prac6ces by an overwhelming adop6on of technology by consumers and real estate firms alike. This adop6on has created a new world of opportuni6es, but with those new opportuni6es an increase of risk has also emerged. From social media use, predic6ve models, big data, crypto currency and more agents and consumers are finding themselves in uncharted territory with no prac6ces or policies in place to protect both consumers and agents. This session explores the emergency and current technologies, their impact on the business and best prac6ces to protect all involved.

Legal Update and Escrow Regulations

In an ever-changing world it can be challenging for real estate agents and brokers to keep up with all the regulatory changes and new case law that influences the firm’s best prac4ces. This program is a review of new and emerging risks that can affect an agent and their client in the real estate transac4on. This program provides systems, tools, and prac4ces to keep all par4es safe and to ensure the learner is aware of state and na4onal regulatory changes.

Pricing The Property

A core duty of most real estate agents is to assist the seller with property pricing the home to sneer they realize the greatest financial benefit of selling. Buyer agents have an obligaCon to help their buyers understand the fair market value of a home which the buyer may be seeking to purchase. This presentaCon equips agents to have a basic understanding of valuing a residenCal property and the tools and resources that will help their consumer have the best informaCon available to them when they need it.

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