Keynote and Webinars
Keynotes, Webinars and Conference Sessions
How To Hire An Assistant
You’re going crazy. So many people love you and want to work with you. Yet there you are stuck at your desk after midnight each night trying to figure out how to keep up, meet your promises and have a work-life balance. If you’re thinking of hiring an assistant, you need a plan. This session explores hiring options, needs assessments, pitfalls to avoid and tips for developing an amazing assistant.
Creating Time: Philosophies, Systems and Tools for a Balanced Life
Each of us is given only so much time each day. We have meetings, clients, family, and personal obligations that can feel overwhelming. Managing your time, having the right systems in place, and becoming disciplined in your daily activities will not only reduce your stress, but it will make you more profitable. Running your business as a professional is the key to longevity and a healthy work-life balance. Don’t miss this learning opportunity!
5 Power Moves To Get Your Listings Found
2 Hours – No CE
Great, you got the listing! Now…how are we going to stand out amongst all the other competing homes for sale? In a world of noise, with countless homes for sale and listing sites begging for the home buyers’ attention, how are you going to get your listing information in front of buyers in a meaningful way? This skills enhancement course covers 5 easy and free ways to make sure your listing is getting found on listing aggregators and even in Google searches. It’s time to take your marketing and successful level up a few notches and make the most of the listing opportunity!
Listing Hunt - Prospecting For Sellers
2 Hours – No CE
You got into real estate to be successful. Period. There are a lot of distractions in the path to success, but wise agents know that business opportunities need to be hunted down. In Listing Hunt, we take a practical and frank approach to seeking out where the Sellers are and how to convert them to sellable listings. Using a magical blend of traditional and innovative hunting techniques, this learning opportunity is sure to trap you some listings.
Business Planning For Agents On The Go!
2 Hours – No CE
Would you build a house without a written plan? No, or course not, yet agents all over the country and blindly trying to build a career without clear direction on where they are going. When someone doesn’t have clear direction, they end up lost and distracted. Don’t be lost and distracted. This two hour workshop is a power session on how to plan, track and abide by a successful plan built on exploring available resources, tools and ingenuity! At the end of the session, the agent will have a great foundation for a written business and marketing plan with innovative, fun steps to success!
Getting The Listing - Courting The Sellers
2 Hours – No CE
Once upon a time, all you needed to do to get the listing was to be the first agent they called. No more. With sellers interviewing multiple agents, how are you going to stand out? Do you know what tools are available to you to set yourself apart? This session works on the pre-listing, listing and post listing appointment strategies that successful agents use to becoming the Listing Agent of Choice. Don’t get pushed out of the way as the Seller looks for the best option, become that best option! This learning experience will cover tools, resources and tactics to win the listing every time!
24 Hour Open Houses - Creating An Online and Offline Experience
2 Hours – No CE
24 Hours… that’s how many hours of opportunity there are in a day. NAR reports that over 43% of consumers visit an Open House before making the decision to buy and 93% use the internet in the process. With that kind of consumer feedback, it’s important to make sure that our listings are where the consumers are. Unfortunately, too few agents know how to successfully get the information in front of buyers or how to effectively market their properties using a combination of traditional and innovative tools. This learning opportunity leads agents through discovering a treasure box full of free tools and resources to set up a 24 Online Open House and/or to get buyers to show up to Saturday’s Open House. Don’t do Open Houses? That’s fine, you’ll find more than enough valuable information to set up your single listing website with tools from around the web!
What Star Trek Taught Us About First Contact
How Teams Work - The Creation and Planning of Real Estate Teams
2 Hours – No CE
So you’ve gotten a bit busy and now you realize that you need help? Yep, happens to the best of us. But… where do you start? Who should you pick for agent support, marketing coordinators, team members? Will you be compatible with the team members? How do we pay everyone? This learning opportunity works through the process of picking team members, staffing the team, creating policies, commission sharing and much more! When you’re done with this information-packed session, you’ll have a great foundation to start or re-start your team!
Teams - How Darryl Survived The Walking Dead
8 Hacks To Build The Team-Machines
1 Hour
You’ve realized that there are a lot of missed opportunities because you’re human and there’s only so much a human can handle. You need help. You need a team. You’ve done your homework, selected your team and decided to start this off right – but wait… What makes successful teams successful and so many other teams fail? In this session, Matthew Rathbun shares his experience as team leader, broker, mentor and trainer in the world of real estate teams. Come get a humorous look at the 8 things you need to building or re-structure your real estate team.
When Do You Sleep? Time Management And The REALTOR®
Have you ever wondered where the most productive agents finds the time to do all the stuff they’re talking about? How does one balance their day, squeeze out more time to do their marekting and still have a healthy family balance? This class will explore the free tools that will help you get your message out, quickly and with as little effort as possible.
The practice of real estate in today’s world requires the practitioner to be in more than one place at a time, think about 20 things simultaneously and never allows them to sleep. Agents can get trapped in this vortex of demand. The “When Do You Sleep” session is designed to help agents re-think time management and grab a few tips from the pros.
Mastering The Listing and Buyer Presentation
Time and again real estate agents are given opportunities to present information, but so few recognize these as opportunities to win business. From standing up in front of a civic group to sitting with a couple eager to buy their first home, your presentation skills, both verbally and visually need to be compelling. This session is designed to help you polish up your presentation skills with a few easy to follow and practical tips.
Smart Homes - An Essential Guide For REALTORS
We’re entered an era where with the mere sound of our voice we can control the temperature, security systems and even the color of the lights in our homes. The pervasiveness of these technologies have grown quickly and are becoming intertwined in every aspect of homeownership. These devices, that were once known merely as “gadgets” are now becoming standard in many homes and are in high demand. Are you aware of how they work and what conveys when a home is sold? Do you know how to recognize these devices, what they do and how they work so that your buyer can see their value? Do you know how to present these in a dynamic way that will accentuate your Seller’s investment and get the home sold more quickly? This program helps you answer all of these questions and more with a hands on display of some of the Smart Home devices that you’ll see in your homes now and in the future.
Zappos Made Me Rethink Customer Service
Click-Connect-Convert: The Art of Online Lead Conversion
The consumer has been marching forward online as agents have failed to fully understand the impact on their business. Engaging the online consumer on their platform and converting those inquires into clients is an important skill that every agent must master. This two hour session provides the tools, techniques and resources needed to not miss a client opportunity.
Negotiations: Effective and Systemic
It’s what we do… From before our first meeting with the client to negotiating the contract we are negotiating during every aspect of our careers – so lets’ learn to do it right. This session focuses on proven core negotiation tactics, plans and systems to help you not miss an opportunity to position yourself as the best option for clients and for your clients to get the best protection in their transaction.
Emerging Technology That Is Designing The Industry's Future
The impact of technology on the real estate world is undeniable. It permeates everything that we do. Far too often the real estate practitioner only realizes the technology and its impact on us all well as it’s infiltrated the day to day practice. This session is a practical overview of key growing technologies in the industry and what agents can do to understand them and capitalize on them to increase their business and make it future proof.
Farming To Build Your SOI
From analog to digital, there are a myriad of ways to engage people in a targeted community or area to build an agent’s business. This session is an introduction to choosing the right IRL or Virtual marketing farming area and then how to engage and cultivate those individuals who will come to think of you at that Zero Moment of Truth and build your SOI.
Wrestling Aggregators | Mastering Zillow and
1 Hour – No CE
While many agents are adversarial to the aggregation sites, many top producers are taming them as part of their client engagement plan. The aggregators are here to stay and so are agents, so how do we learn to co-exist and how can the agent take the upper-hand? This workshop is designed to help agents understand what benefits lay waiting for them in, Trulia and Zillow. This interactive workshop covers understand the allure of the consumer and client-conversion, hidden site tools and how to see the aggregators as the modern day partner in connecting with ready, willing and able clients
Pre-MLS Listing Marketing
1 Hour
Marketing a listing before its active in the MLS has become increasingly common and can help generate buyer anticipation for the big day of the listing going active. There are a number of great pre-marketing techniques and tools to help you get the word out and there are a few pitfalls and risks that those marketing opportunities can create. This session explores how to safely and effectively connect your new listings to potential buyers before making it fully available in MLS. Agents will increase their client’s listing exposure prior to MLS entry and reduce their risk in doing so.
Building A Lead Generation Plan
Creating Opportunities is a core part of what everything real estate should be mastering. This session focuses on tools and best practices for creating an effective and organized plan for marketing plans to generate new business and retain past clients.
Pricing The Property
The comparative market analysis is an important step in getting a home sold quickly for the most money a seller can realize. Sometimes pricing the property for sale is easy and sometimes it requires a lot more research. This session focuses on those core skills necessary to successful price a property using variety of tools and techniques.
Writing An Effective Agent Bio
Agents who often have no problems chatting about themselves when the opportunities arises generally struggle with putting those same words down in a written biography. Bios are an essential part of a marketing program as they may serve as the clients first introduction to the agent. This workshop focuses on what should be in a bio and what shouldn’t and how to construct an engaging story that will compel a client to want to know more. This session will discuss professional bios, social media bios and introductions.
Wallet Wise Marketing
Sure, you could throw tons of money at marketing, but why?!?! It’s time that we start mastering the cost-effective and free marketing resources that we have at our fingertips! This popular learning opportunity focuses on getting you an arsenal of client-winning techniques and tools. No matter if you’re a veteran or newbie, this program has something for everyone! |
Well and Septic - A Primer
For many homeowners in Virginia a well and sep*c system is a necessity for the occupancy of the home. There are a myriad of different sep*c and well considera*ons for buyers and sellers in a real estate transac*on. This session covers the basic informa*on an agent needs to know, as well as the contractual implica*ons that must be considered when nego*a*ng on behalf of the client to ensure the client’s best interest are protected.
LIstingPrep: How TO Master Every Listing Appointment
Have you ever been forced to throw together materials for a listing appointment? Do you wish that you had a better pre-listing resource to engage the seller? How about a solid and easy to use approach to master an appointment before you even show up? This session focuses on using free tools and materials which can be created to have a simple plan in place before a listing appointment, along with techniques to create the perfect listing presentation that is easy to tailor to the Seller’s needs. Reduce the stress and anxiety of preparing for a listing appointment and win most listings with what you’ll learn in this session.
The Agent as a Business
The real estate pre-licensing process is designed to equip the agent with the fundamental understanding of the law and practice, but there is no training on how to be a CEO, Chief Marketing Officer or Chief Marketing officer which are just some of the parts of being a successful business person. This program covers essential tools and mindsets to have a long career in real estate.
Agent Reviews and Online Reputation
Reviews, ratings, feedback, and reputation management are all phrases that we hear on a routine basis, but do agents actually understand the impact of their business today and in the future? This program explores the various review platforms, their benefits, and how to successfully master them to increase an agent’s business. The learner will be given best practices and tactics to get positive reviews and how to manage negative ones.
Becoming A Community Guide
Real estate agents have always been great connectors and now we have an arsenal of tools to connect our clients and our tribes to the awesome treasures in our communities. This webinar will explore tools and strategies that will help the agent remain at the top of mind within their communities. CRS Certified Instructor, Matthew Rathbun presented this webinar on March 17, 2021.
YouTube For Realtors
We don’t read, we watch. YouTube is the second most utilized website online second only to Google. Agents all over the country are learning to master YouTube as a valuable social media site to create new clients and build content that serves a variety of purposes. This webinar explores what videos are effective content for Realtors and how to use YouTube to build an audience of potentical clients.
Transform Your Inventory with Neighborhood Sales Reports
This session is a comprehensive how-to guide for unrivaled real estate success using a tried and true neighborhood sales report with new techs such as Direct Mail, AI, Video, and more. This process when followed will help you bring more listings. Learn how to craft compelling neighborhood sales reports that every homeowner wants to see that will help you gain new listings.
10 Underutilized NAR Tools To Improve Your Business
You’ve paid your dues and like many REALTORS® you may ask “What am I getting from this investment?”. The National, State and local REALTOR® Associations offer a great deal of resource and support, but many agents don’t fully avail themselves of the tools outside of the membership services. and other online tools from NAR can make a huge impact in advancing the career of REALTORS® and build stronger and more profitable businesses. This webinar will cover practical applications to 10 underutilized online resources available to all REALTOR® members.
Become A Community Guide
Real estate agents have always been great connectors and now we have an arsenal of tools to connect our clients and our tribes to the awesome treasures in our communities. This webinar will explore tools and strategies that will help the agent remain at the top of mind with their communities
Price Pivot - Improving The Asking Price
Even after careful analysis and proper pricing, the shifting market can quickly change the fair market value of a listing. It can be a challenging process to get sellers to reduce their asking price. This session focuses on a systematic, start-to-finish proven strategy to navigate sellers to the right asking price while preserving the agent’s relationship.
Masterfully Negotiating Home Inspections Agreements
In the intricate dance of real estate transactions, the home inspection phase can be a pivotal moment that determines the success or failure of a sale. Negotiating the terms of inspection agreements and the resulting issues effectively can be the difference between a smooth transaction and a deal falling apart.
“Masterfully Negotiating Home Inspection Agreements” is a session designed for real estate professionals eager to enhance their negotiation skills during the inspection phase, draft the best agreements and create a plan of action to ensure there is a smooth transaction for our consumers.
Negotiating The Buyer Agency Agreement
This course is designed for real estate agents who aim to enhance their expertise in securing buyer agency agreements. It offers a deep dive into the strategies, communication skills, and legal considerations necessary for effectively obtaining signed buyer agency agreements. Participants will learn how to build trust and rapport with potential clients, understand and articulate the benefits of a buyer agency agreement, and navigate the legalities and ethics involved in these agreements
Legal and Field Ramifications of the DOJ and NAR Litigation
This course provides an in-depth understanding of the legal challenges, particularly focusing on antitrust laws and their implications in the field. It is designed for professionals seeking to navigate these complexities effectively.