Quick Reminder

If you have friends or family that will be visiting during the holidays. Chances are they may be interested in the price of homes in the area – especially if it’s your mother-in-law who wants to move closer to the grandkids! You can check the price of that home on...

Caroline Creates “Tech Zones”

The day after I read about Caroline’s Board of Supervisors approving a Wireless Service Authority, I read this on Portia Smith’s Blog: Caroline County Creates Technology Zones Aug. 27, 2009 9:10 pm For: Caroline County Creates Technology Zones From: Caroline County...

Ok, all fixed…kinda

Well, we have no idea how to update those who depend on RSS to get the updates from CarolineVABLog, but we’ve had to update the Subscription service.  We use Feedburner to handle our subscriptions.  Recently Feedburner was taken over by Google.  They have a...