A Day of Training

This week Matthew and I are at another Real Estate Camp. We’re picking up new tips and tools of the trade and catching up with friends. Luckily before we arrived, my new wide angle lens camera came it. Check this out.. The old camera: And here’s the new camera: I did...

Do You like my Ringtone?

When I’m not blogging, emailing, or using one of the many instant message venues, I’m talking on the phone with one of my great clients. So this week’s article on phone etiquette caught my eye. Here it is, and feel free to remind me when I mess up! And I hope you...

Conventions in our Backyard

It’s almost one of my favorite times of the year! It’s time for the Homeschool convention! And we are very fortunate that we have 2 in our backyard this year. The large one where thousands of homeschoolers come together is in Richmond at the Richmond Convention. If...

Touring the Town in the Pollenmobile

Yes, it’s that time again in Caroline County! You wash your car and 10 minutes later, it’s covered in yellow dust! I’m so thankful that I do not personally suffer from allergies. I have noticed itchy eyes as I grow older, but it’s nothing compared to what some of my...