Broker and Leadership

Broker and Leadership Training Programs

Leveraging AI in Meetings

Say goodbye to boring sales meetings! In the rapidly evolving real estate market, cutting-edge technology like AI is key to maintaining a competitive edge. Discover how you can leverage ChatGPT and other AI tools to craft personalized agendas, generate insightful discussion prompts, and derive actionable data-driven insights that bring value to affiliated agents in your sales meetings AND can help you recruit and retain.

Navigating AI and Mitigating Risks

AI brings a variety of gifts and new tools, but it comes with some risk. In this one-hour session, you will be introduced to the unique challenges and opportunities that AI brings to the real estate industry. The session will delve into the strategic application of AI, associated risks, and the framework to manage these risks effectively. You’ll be equipped with practical knowledge and strategies to take a forward-thinking approach to AI in real estate.

Leading in a 2.0 World

Duration:  2 Hours 

Brokers have a unique opportunity to engage the consumer on a level that has not been possible before, but this online engagement with its broad audience presents unique exposer to liability as well. This course takes Brokers and agents through an overview of today’s tools and how to safely use them to engage and gain a personal connection with potential consumers. We’ll review policies and practices that will help Managers reduce their risk while remaining innovative.

Engage, Entice, Evolve: Using Today's Technology To Grow Your Company

Duration: 2 Hours

Are you scratching your head trying to get in front of one agent at a time?  Today’s innovative Brokers are using the power of emerging technologies to build a following of agents.  Blogs, Facebook and Social Engagement opens many opportunities for recruiting knowledgeable and dedicated agents.  Combining these free tools with a few strategic systems will promise positive growth in your company!

Duplicity and Collaboration

Duration 2 Hours

Tons of resources are dedicated to training and development of agents – what if we could create engaging tools once and make them available for future reference?  Creating videos, recording your training sessions, doing live training with remote agents, using collaborative websites to handle company projects and duplicating your staff efforts is essential to success.  This session explores a variety of free tools to strengthen your development, management and education efforts.  All managers, trainers and division directors will benefit from this session!

Serving As Realtor Counsel In An Ethics Hearing

It can be an incredibly stressful event filled with the unknown when ethics complaints are filed. The REALTOR® Professional Standards process allows a respondent in the complaint process to be represented by a fellow REALTOR® or an attorney, but where do you get started? This webinar recording the Professional Standards process, resources available to a REALTOR®-Counsel, and techniques that will assist the respondent in getting the best possible representation in a hearing.

A New Kind of Engagement

The emergence of a socially connected, digital REALTORS® has created both opportunities and obstacles in the learning process. Our Learners want to connect with us in a more meaningful way and desire to be engaged, even after the formal training opportunity is over.  This new focus can be challenging for many instructors.  This session will explore ways to engage our learners before & after the program and to be more socially relevant.  The wide range of easy-to-use (and mostly free) technologies are a must-have for your instructor-toolbox!

Present and Future MasterMind Groups

1 Hour – No CE

The Real Estate World is evolving rapidly and being at the cutting edge is more and more challenging.  The genesis of future development and innovation will be held in collaborative growth.  This session will explore the emerging technology tools and techniques to create successful Mastermind Collaboration groups for Agents and Brokers.  Agents who wish to create teams, networking groups or Brainshare groups will benefit as will Brokers who wish to develop agent groups to encourage recruitment and retention.

Generational Mashup - Leading A Group

1 Hour – No CE

Both opportunity and challenges spring up when real estate firms have multiple generations in their brokerages. This learning opportunity is designed for current and emerging leaders in the real estate industry and addresses who to recruit and manage the varied generations. Learners will understand the best practices and benefits of merging these groups into a solid team.

Leading Change in Today's Real Estate Brokerage

1 Hour – No CE

Change is inevitable and all around us. In the Real Estate Industry some desire change and embrace it while others find it a nefarious adversary. This learning opportunity addresses how emerging and current company leadership should address change, by providing services and developing a company culture to help their Associates survive. We’ll explore a few industry trends and how others lead their teams to success.

How Leaders Make Meetings Meaningful

1 Hour | No CE

Every broker knows that connection with those in his or her office is essential to team building, engagement, culture and increasing opportunities.  However, the old office meeting, where agents sit around and moan about their non-sellable listings have left many of your agents resistance to attending.  The ubiquity of information has made it hard for many managers to find relevance in the agent’s life.  Matthew Rathbun shares how his focus on telling the agent’s story and that of the firms has increased attendance.  The tools to tell these stories are all around you and can help you craft an experience and not just another meeting.
What Ayn Rand Taught Me About Recruiting
1 Hour | No CE
Who is John Galt?  In Rands 1957 novel, John Galt is a figure who was known to be a philosopher and innovator that covertly attracts creative and successful minds toward his mission to change the world. Matthew Rathbun shares how his techniques, tools and resources have been developed to successfully recruit both exceptional staff and quality agents who are disrupters in their market place, rainmakers and an unrelenting tribe.
We Built An Arsenal For The Warriors We Train
1 Hour | No CE
Brokers all over the country are being looked to for food and shelter, although agents are calling it “leads” and “development”.   However, history has shown us that successful agents are those who learn how to hunt, protect and expand their own territories.  Matthew Rathbun shares how brokers can develop a unique combination of tools and training to create warriors who fight for their own success, using innovative and engaging tools.  Most importantly, you’ll walk away with a philosophy about equipping your agents for the world to come.
Teams and Brokers

As the real estate industry has become more complex and demanded a broader range of skills from real estate agents, many have begun growing real estate teams to best serve their clients. Those teams help the firm grow and solve a lot of risk management issues, but teams also create some new complexities for the Broker. This program assists brokers with understanding the place of a real estate team in the firm, the Virginia regulations that govern the formation and running of those teams as well as best practices to reduce liability in the firm.

Mentoring Mindset
“Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson.  Over the past few decades, the real estate industry has become more complex than in years past. New agents, sharp, educated and entrepreneurial are seeking mentors to help them find success in a competitive and complex world. This session is designed to impress upon the learner the philosophies, approaches, and tools that will accelerate the successful start of a mentoring career.
Evil Robots and How to Defend Against Them

Every day real estate agents engage the digital world and with every engagement, there is an opportunity for the agent’s likeness to be duplicated for nefarious intentions, financial data can be harvested from emails, and clients can be falsely directed to wire funds to the accounts of evildoers.  The public life of real estate agents and the confidential information that they have access to creates a very real risk to both the agent and their clients.  This learning opportunity is designed to illustrate what risks exist to agents, what practical actions they can take to defend themselves, and the practices that keep everyone safe.

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